Jamie Holden Founder/Director Mantour Ministries
Jamie is a graduate of the University of Valley Forge. He is also an ordained minister with the Penndel District of the Assemblies of God and an AG Associate Missionary with AG US Missions, focusing on strengthening men and men's ministry.
Jamie’s passion is to help men overcome the pain of their past and reach their full potential as God’s men. “Years ago, while I was attending the University of Valley Forge, God gave me a deep desire inside to minister to men. My calling is to help men learn what it means to be a godly man and how to develop a deep, personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. We strive to challenge and encourage men to reach their full potential in God’s Kingdom.”
Along with planning Mantour Conferences, Jamie enjoys writing and speaking to men. He's had articles featured in Prodigal Magazine, New Man Magazine, and on the Assemblies of God Men’s Ministry Website. He's published five books, "Putting On Manhood", "Legacy: Living A Life That Last", "Get In The Game", "Under Construction", and "Invincible: Scaling The Mountains That Keep Us From Victory".

Jamie loves to speak to men and is available to speak at your church or your next men's event. Jamie combines humor and his personal testimony to both engage and challenge men to grow in their walk with God. He uses his testimony of overcoming abuse as well as dealing with his physical issues and emotional issues growing up to encourage men that no matter their background or where they have come from in life, they can grow into mighty men in God's Kingdom. Jamie combines strong Biblical application as well as engaging illustrations and some humor to reach men through his messages.
If you are interested in having Jamie speak at your next men's event as a speaker or workshop leader or if you are interested in having him come share with your church, email him at jamie@mantourministries.com
You can also have Jamie come and speak to your men for one or multiple weeks on the theme of his books, Putting On Manhood, Legacy: Living A Life That Lasts, Get In The Game, Invincible: Scaling That Mountains That Keep You From Victory, and Whatever It Takes.

Interesting facts about Jamie:
Life Philosophy: I take my ministry and walk with God deadly seriously...myself, not so much!
Favorite food – Cheesesteak Calzone.
Favorite hobby –Tie between Fantasy Football and Riding a Jetski
Favorite sports team – Denver Broncos.
Newest Bucket List Addition: I want to drive across the USA!
Favorite Style of Music--Rock and Roll
Favorite Musicians Growing Up: 1. DCTalk 2. Petra 3. Newsboys 4. Third Day 5. Carman
Odd Music Fact: Loves Elvis and the BeeGees
Favorite Rocky Movie: Rocky III
Favorite Quotes: "Eye of the Tiger Rock, Eye of the Tiger"-Rocky III
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." --from the movie Rocky Balboa

"I am excited about my recent appointment as an Assemblies of God US Missionary Associate, focusing on developing men's ministry and reaching men both inside and outside the church with the Gospel.
This opportunity allows me to focus on the ministry full time. It also allows us to expand our outreach to men inside prisons, halfway houses, and Teen Challenge Centers as well as men in universities and colleges.
This opportunity also aids in continued production of our resources like our new book, "Legacy: Living A Life That Lasts", do to be released this month. In 2015 and 2016, we were able to donate copies of our book, "Putting On Manhood" into 8 state and federal prisons as well as homeless shelters, Teen Challenge centers, and halfway houses. Men are being reached behind bars as chaplains take the books and work chapter by chapter through the book with the men. We hope to expand this outreach in 2017.
If you would like to partner with me, you can give by returning the below form or by going to www.giving.ag.org and donating to James Holden (account #2813962) If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I would love the chance to talk with you about the possibility of your partnering with me on a monthly basis to reach men." -Jamie Holden
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Photos For Promotional Use