Ministry Endorsements

Donald Immel
PennDel Superintendent & General Presbyter
"I have personally known Jamie for approximately six years, and he is an exemplary leader.
He is in good standing as an ordained minister with the PennDel Ministry Network, and serves as the President and CEO of Mantour Ministries. He faithfully oversees Mantour Ministry conferences twelve times each year throughout our district, and does an excellent job leading both a ministry team as well as a ministry event.
He has the respect of both his peers in ministry and our district leadership. Jamie has my highest recommendation.

Tom Rees
Penndel District Honorbound Director, US Home Missions Director, and Church Development Director
"Jamie is excellent at cultivating strategic partnerships that make it about transforming men’s lives together. I am impressed with Jamie’s ability to write and then bring his message directly to men through ManTour events.
Above all, DETERMINATION is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Jamie. He personally models the ability to push through challenges and then use the lessons he has learned to help other men live for Jesus!"

Rick Allen
National Men's Ministry and LFTL Director
Assemblies of God
"Jamie has a definite call on his life to assist men with their God given responsibilities for manhood. His commitment to his called assignment is evident through his life and ministry.
I appreciate Jamie’s vision for this most needed mission in the body of Christ."

Jason Tourville
PennDel Minister Care & Church Recalibration Director
"It has been a joy for and me our church to partner with Mantour Ministries.
Jamie Holden has a heart and passion to see men grow to their full potential. Their strategy allows for great material, resources and experience to be accessible to all men.
This is truly a ministry focused on Giving, not Taking!"

Roland Coon
Retired Lead Pastor
Calvary Church, Dover DE
4One Ministries Board of Directors Member
"It is without hesitation I recommend the heart and soul of a man who cares about the welfare of men regardless of their status in life.
Jamie is spot on in knowing what men need in this hour. Bring him on board to unite your men through Mantour Ministries. You'll not regret it!"

Scott Kramer
Lead Pastor
Glad Tidings Assembly of God
"Jamie has clearly demonstrated both a passion and a calling to impact the lives of men in today’s challenging and temptation-filled culture. In developing Mantour Events across our state, I believe that Jamie is helping to set in motion many significant and God-ordained changes in the lives of men all over our churches.
I have enjoyed teaching these men in workshops and look forward to more in the future. I’m excited to see more ManTour Events in the future impacting the lives of men and helping them in their journey as they following Jesus."