Scheduled Speakers:

Scott serves as the Lead Pastor at GT Church. Called to ministry in 2002, Scott started his official ministry journey in the beginning of 2005 when he was first hired at GT as an Associate Pastor, leading Young Adult and Single Adult Ministry. Over the following years, Scott became the Discipleship Pastor, and eventually the Executive Pastor. In 2021, he was given the opportunity to continue serving his call to ministry as Lead Pastor, still at GT Church.
Scott has a passion for God’s Word, as well as for teaching and preaching. Scott and his wife Kate are married for 23 and have 3 children. Lucas and Matthew are both in college at Liberty University, and their daughter Aarilyn is in 6th grade.
In his spare time, Scott loves spending time with his family, and playing a round of golf.
Scott Kramer
GT Church

Pastor Barry was born and raised in West Philadelphia. Pastor Barry is the lead pastor of Evangel Assembly of God in Glenolden pa. His passion is explaining Gods word and making Disciples. His mother raised him as a single parent, and made going to church mandatory.
As Barry grew to be a young man, he knew religion but had no relationship with Jesus. In 1988 he met a young woman named Sophia, who recently came to America from Jamaica. He wanted to date her, but she said no because he wasn’t a Christian and she was, they would be unequally yoked. Barry was intrigued and impressed by her faithfulness. The Holy Spirit used her obedient faith to draw Barry to Jesus. A year later he accepted the Lord and that young woman and he have been married for 32 years. They have two adult children, Jacky and Adam and two grandsons.
Barry Brown
Evangel AG/Presbyter

TJ Harris has been a worship leader, pastor, and conference speaker for over 33 years. He is passionate about Spirit-enabled, creative leadership focused on helping churches grow and thrive.
Tj and his wife , Robin, currently serve as Lead Pastors at Trinity Community Church. Trinity is a multi-cultural, multi-site congregation located in Hockessin, Delaware.