Scheduled Speakers:

Jamie Holden
Founder Mantour Ministries,
AGUS Missionary Assoc.
Jamie, the Founder and Director of Mantour Ministries, is a graduate of the University of Valley Forge. He is also an ordained minister with the Penndel District of the Assemblies of God and an AG Associate Missionary with AG Missionary Church Developers, focusing on strengthening men and men's ministry.
Jamie’s passion is to help men overcome the pain of their past and reach their full potential as God’s men. “Years ago, while I was attending the University of Valley Forge, God gave me a deep desire inside to minister to men. My calling is to help men learn what it means to be a godly man and how to develop a deep, personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. We strive to challenge and encourage men to reach their full potential in God’s Kingdom.”
Along with planning Mantour Conferences, Jamie enjoys writing and speaking to men. He's had articles featured in Prodigal Magazine, New Man Magazine, and on the Assemblies of God Men’s Ministry Website. He's published four books, "Putting On Manhood", "Legacy: Living A Life That Last", "Get In The Game", "Invincible: Scaling The Mountains That Keep Us From Victory", and Whatever I Takes" and he is currently working on publishing his 5th book, "Burning Daylight".

Duane Goodling
Think Missions
Duane Goodling is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God and was born and raised in Southcentral Pennsylvania. His background is in business management and he has a degree in Business Administration. He is currently studying for a B.A. in Bible and Theology through Global University and he has taken many classes through the PennDel School of Ministry.
Duane has had a heart for missions for many years which, in 2016, the Lord used to lead him to join Think Missions, a non-denominational mission's agency, as their Mission Director. He has spoken in many churches throughout Pennsylvania, Virginia, and as a member on missions’ teams in all of the America's as well as South Asia. Duane is also the Light for the Lost Coordinator for the Assemblies of God- PennDel Ministry Network.
Duane and his wife Beth have been married since 1995 and together they have two sons; Chase and Nick.

Greg Nass
Adventuremen Ministries
Greg was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa., where a deep love for the outdoors was instilled in him when he began hunting and trapping with his father and brothers at the age of six. He’s carried this passion for all things outdoors throughout his life and can often be found hiking, biking, and fly fishing on local trails, creeks, and streams.
In 1999, Greg discovered a new kind of love when he gave his heart to Jesus Christ during a dramatic salvation. The next ten years were spent growing in faith and knowledge until the Lord called him to unite his love of the outdoors with his desire to reach fellow outdoorsmen with the message of Jesus Christ.
In 2009, AdventureMen Ministries was launched with the mission to help men experience Christ through adventure and is supported by the PennDel HonorBound Ministries of the Assemblies of God. Their largest annual event, AdventureFest, which is held the second weekend in June draws many men hungry for renewal, salvation, and outdoor adventure.
He lives in Bethel Park, Pa., with his wife Shannon, who is also a credentialed pastor with the Assemblies of God,