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December 14 Bible Reading Plan

Writer: Jamie HoldenJamie Holden

“A godly man is a giving man.”

I say these words at every man every year during our Mantour Challenge. I don’t just say them because I want a big offering. I say it because I believe it deeply.

Ever since I was a little boy, I was taught that all Christians should tithe. If I had a dime, God a penny, I got nine cents. But I was also taught the difference between tithes and offerings.

Tithe is what’s required, no ifs, and’s, or keisters.

Offerings are different. Offerings are above and beyond tithes. It is when you give from a generous spirit to meet a kingdom need.

I learned this at a young age. My mom always encouraged us to give. Before we got new Christmas presents, we were taught to give toys to needy children. When we were older, we were encouraged to find ways to give offerings of our time and money.

As a child, I remember putting change into my missionary envelope at church and supporting missionaries.

As a teen, I mowed lawns to earn money. I would tithe off the income, but I also sent Carman’s ministry $25 a month because I loved how he did his concerts for free, and I saw firsthand that hundreds of people would get saved at his altar calls.

As an adult, my livelihood depends on the generous offerings of churches and individuals who fund this ministry monthly. I only earn as much as they give. In some way, I believe my years of giving are bearing fruit now as others give to this ministry.

But you know what? Even now, as I am a missionary being supported, I still make sure to stay generous. I can’t always be taking. I have to give as well. So, monthly, I support other missionaries and a Christian organization fighting to stop sex trafficking.

I don’t like saying who I give to because I believe it is important not to look for praise for giving. I only say it to show that I practice what I preach, and I believe it is essential for men of God to be generous.

Paul teaches this in Acts.

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35, ESV)

I thoroughly believe this verse, and I believe it is essential for men of God to be generous. God blesses us, and we should, in turn, be blessing others.

I encourage you to find a ministry, missionary, or someone in need and give to them monthly. I’d love it if you supported Mantour Ministries monthly, but maybe God will lead you to give elsewhere. The important thing is that you find someone to bless through your generosity so that God’s kingdom continues to grow.



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