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July 20 Bible Reading Plan

Writer: Jamie HoldenJamie Holden

Recently, I had the chance to go to the beach for a few days, thanks to some free hotel nights. Because of my disability, I cannot walk on the sand, but I still love to go to the beach and watch the waves as the ocean churns. I could do it for hours.

I also like to people-watch. I enjoy watching the perseverance of a surfer who constantly wipes out yet keeps getting back up again. I watch people tossing the football around or others who fly a kite. I laugh as little kids break away from their parents and make a mad dash for whatever they have their eyes on. It is better than TV, always something new.

One thing I hate to see at the beach is when someone is jogging in the sand. No one wants to feel guilty for not exercising while on vacation. Yet here comes Healthy Hank or Fitness Freda jogging across the beach!

I always have to remind myself that this is how some people relax. It is actually admirable that they take time to exercise. It makes me feel guilty because I know it is important for us to exercise and care for our bodies.

One of the most popular verses in the Bible to encourage people to pursue godliness is found in 1 Timothy 4:8.

For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. (1Timothy 4:8, ESV)

People use this verse to show how vital developing godliness is. But look at the first part again.

For while bodily training is of some value…

This verse tells us that boldly training does have value. It isn't putting exercising down. It is saying it has value in our lives.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:27 that he trains his body. I Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we must take care of it.

I believe it is our responsibility to take care of our physical bodies. We need to watch what we put into it and make sure to exercise and maintain it.

"But Jamie, we have all seen you. How can you push something you don't do yourself?"

Well, I know I don't look like it, but I take my health very seriously. I exercise as much as my physical disability allows me to. I enjoy it. It is relaxing to me and helps ease the many stresses I face in life.

I watch what I eat. I do not overeat. I have given up soda, drinking it only two or three times a year. I only drink water and tea. I do whatever I can to stay healthy so I can keep reaching men.

This is something my mentor has really encouraged me to do. At his prompting, I've spent years using a food app to ensure I didn't eat more than a prescribed number of calories. I am passing this encouragement on to you.

I truly believe a man of God needs to be taking care of himself physically and spiritually. We shouldn't neglect either.

While physical training isn't as beneficial as spiritual training, it does have benefits and usefulness. I encourage you to make it a daily part of your life disciplines.



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