“I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
Five words that have such amazing power behind them. They are words of healing and reconciliation. They bring freedom and restoration, and they require humility and grace.
A good father teaches his kids to apologize when the kids do something wrong. A great father demonstrates these words to his kids when he does something wrong.
There is one truth that can't be denied……fathers are humans. No matter how great of a person or father a man is; eventually, you will make a mistake, lose your temper, or in some way hurt your children. How you handle these situations can go a long way to how your relationship with your kids grows.
A father needs to apologize to their kids when they are wrong and make mistakes. My mom was a very passionate woman. Sometimes, this passion came out as a burst of anger or not responding properly. But one thing I respect about my mom is that she would always apologize and ask for forgiveness. It showed me that she cared about me and my feelings and set an example for me of how I should live.
I can only remember one time when my dad apologized to me in my life, and it was when I was in my forties. I encourage you fathers today to follow my mom's example and not my dad's, and apologize to your kids. Let them know you are genuinely sorry when you make mistakes.
How do you apologize? First, ask for forgiveness instead of just saying you're sorry. Try to be as specific as possible as to why you are apologizing based on the age appropriateness of your child. Make sure to be humble and explain why you are apologizing to them. Make sure to use the words, "Will you forgive me?" Always end it with a hug.
This action will affect your kids more than you can ever imagine. So, give your kids the gift of apologizing.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32, ESV)
Fathers, do not be too hard on your children so they will become angry. Teach them in their growing years with Christian teaching. (Ephesians 6:4, NLV)