Can I confess something to you? I LOVE a glass of freezing-cold peach tea. It is truly my guilty pleasure! However, I never add ice to my glass when I drink it because when the ice melts, it waters down the peach tea, dulling and weakening the flavor.
Too many believers in today’s church are watering down the Bible. They want to follow God and serve Him on their terms, not His.
They want the blessing of God without a wholehearted commitment to Him. They want to serve God on their terms. They don’t want to do without.
In many cases, they want what the world has. They want to go to the places the world goes. They want to watch the things the world watches. They want to drink what the world drinks and entertain what the world entertains. They reject any teachings or principles of holiness or being separate from the world, saying such teaching is outdated or too traditional. They use grace as a hall pass to do whatever they want, even if it is against God's Word.
They are distorting the Word, and in the case of Progressive Christians, they are making up what they believe. They are getting rid of Bible-based beliefs and replacing them with weak doctrine.
Progressive Christianity is trying to work its way into our churches and our pulpits. They are removing the founding doctrines of Christianity. It is so dangerous.
It rejects the idea of God requiring Jesus to die for our sins. They call that cosmic child abuse.
It teaches that no such loving God would do such a thing and that it isn’t even necessary because we are all innately good, and God is loving and never would condemn us for sin.
It rejects the idea of Hell. God would never send anyone to Hell. He is a loving God. They believe Heaven is not where we are made perfect, but it is the realization of the perfection we already have.
Progressive Christianity teaches that there don’t have to be moral norms. They embrace entirely the LGBTQ platform. They promote sex in any form at any time with anyone, which is okay because God created sex to be enjoyed. Any teaching in churches to the contrary is just old-fashioned systematic suppression of women.
Because sex often has consequences, they are pro-abortion. They believe a woman has a right to enjoy sex however she chooses and should not have to suffer the results of this action, so she should abort any unwanted babies.
The Progressive Christians say Jesus wasn’t the Son of God; He was just a good man who stood up against the social injustices of his time--not Divine.
It is a dangerous false religion that is making it into the mainstream of our churches and even into our pulpits as pastors enjoy the large crowds of nominal, weak Christians that show up. They are abandoning their place as true believers and falling into the enemy’s trap.
We must understand what Progressive Christianity is and why it is so dangerous. Progressive Christianity isn’t just Christianity lite—it isn’t Christianity at all.
So many people say, “I’m not concerned about this because I don’t want to deal with politics.” But this isn’t a political topic. It’s a theological topic.
It isn’t like ice cream and frozen yogurt—close but not the same. It’s like ice cream and mud—totally different things. They may look similar, but they are totally different things.
We need to understand the danger of Progressive Christianity so that we don’t believe its lies and fall away from the true Gospel. We need to help others stay away from what is basically a false religion that leads them to eternity in Hell.
This isn’t something to play around with or wink at—we need to understand it, know how to combat the teaching of the Bible and stand firm against it.
And it isn’t just Progressive Christianity that we need to be on guard and stand against. We must be aware of any teachings that go against or add to what the Bible teaches. For instance, last summer, my sister spent a lot of time allowing the Holy Spirit to heal her of the damage done to her heart by a false teacher who influenced our local church in the 1970s. While this teaching was far from progressive (it was radical holiness and abusive toward women), it was still dangerous.
This experience taught us both how important it is to have a proper understanding of the Bible. To read it, understand it, and have a sound theological basis so that when a new teaching or a popular new teacher tries to preach a message that is not Biblical, we can say, “That’s not from the Bible. That’s heresy, and stay away from it.”
This is a constant theme throughout the New Testament. We see it in passages like 1 John 4:1-6, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, and Galatians 1:6-9.
So, obviously, this is a big deal. How does a godly man deal with this?
We need to read and study God’s Word to identify these false teachings. Knowing what God’s Word ACTUALLY teaches, we can spot a watered-down doctrine a mile away.
Then, we need to teach other people what we know.
If we see progressive theology popping up in one of our churches, we must stand against it.
We must teach our children the difference between Biblical and progressive theology, so don’t fall for progressive Christianity’s lies.
When we see a brother or sister in Christ falling for the culture’s lies, we must confront them lovingly and help them know the truth.
It isn’t enough to protect ourselves—we also need to protect those around us from false doctrines.
We must be men who can separate truth from lies and lead those around us into truth.