The characteristic of the good or the great man is not that he has been exempt from the evils of life, but that he has surmounted them.
–Patrick Henry
These words spoken by Patrick Henry describe what God has placed on my heart to share with men today. It's time for God's men to become unbreakable men.
It has broken my heart over the past few years to see so many men of God be broken and lying on the mat, with the enemy standing in triumph over them.
-Pastors leave their churches after falling into sin.
-Husbands lose their marriages because they are defeated by temptation.
-Finances were in ruin because men were broken under the burden of debt.
-Reputations are destroyed because of lives lived in secret and deceit.
The list goes on and on.
The world is filled with too many broken, defeated men. It is time to get off the mat and get back in the fight.
It is not God's will for His men to live broken, defeated lives. He ordained for His children to be victorious.
God is calling His men to get back into the fight. No man has to stay broken and defeated. There is hope!
Guys, it is time to get up off the mat and get back into the fight! You cannot stay living broken and defeated! Victory is there for you. Through God, you are unbreakable!
You can conquer. You can end the fight with your arms raised high in victory as your enemies lay knocked out at your feet.
You can become unbreakable!
This Bible Plan has two purposes.
First, it's to help you get into God's Word.
We cannot survive in today's world amidst all the lies and deceit if we do not know and recognize the truth of the Bible. The Bible is our weapon to fight back against the lies.
Our hope for you is that each day, you take a few minutes to read the suggested Bible passages, immersing yourself in the Word of God.
Second, we want these weekly devotionals to be a shot in the arm to help you as you live each day for God. This year, we are looking at great quotes and what we can learn from them. Some are from Rocky and other movies, some are words of historical men, and some are taken directly from God's Word. Each is designed to help you grow spiritually and to become an unbreakable, victorious man of God.
Are you ready to join me over the next 52 weeks to become an unbreakable man dedicated to God and His Word?
Will you allow the Bible to speak to you, bringing hope, motivation, conviction, and strength as you realize God's mercy, compassion, grace, and holiness found in His Word?
I'm thrilled to stand arm-in-arm with you as we learn to be unbreakable men together.
1. "Top 70 Patrick Henry Quotes (2024 Update)." Quote Fancy, quotefancy.com/patrick-henry-quotes. Accessed 12 Aug. 2024.